Friday, April 29, 2005

Chai at Infuze

This will be my last post about my tea adventures in Vancouver, BC. Ironically, I started this blog with the last day of my trip (Murchie's), and I'm finishing with the first.

After traveling 7 hours on the plane to get from the Midwest to Vancouver, I was ready to stretch my legs! My traveling companions and I set out for a walk in the mist. We stumbled onto the Infuze Tea House (photo below). It's a tea bar - kind of like a Starbucks, only specific to tea. The interior is mostly white with orange accents. A friend and I had the cardamom chai. In terms of quality, the chai was so-so...from a mix. It was warm and comforting. Another friend had a green oolong, which seemed to be good. This same friend pointed out a tea chocolate. I picked one up, and actually resisted the temptation to enjoy it until I got home where I shared it with my husband.

The confection was a combination of milk and white chocolate shaped into a thin leaf. The white chocolate was colored and flavored with green matcha. The flavor came through more than I anticipated, and it was nice!

The Vancouver Tea Adventure was a trip I will cherish!

Hotel George - Tea in the Bar

On Day 5, I met a friend for tea at the Hotel Georgia. We had tea in the hotel bar, which was not your average bar! It was nicely furnished and tucked into a quiet corner of the hotel. It had cheetah print wallpaper and leather chairs.

The photo below shows the teapots we used. Historically, I haven't been drawn to this style of teapot. I found the stainless steel lid to be a break in form with the rest of the body. But after using the teapot and viewing it up close, it grew on me! I like the size, perfect for about 2-3 cups of tea. I also like the shape of the body.

I chose a jasmine green tea and my friend chose a black vanilla. Both were high-quality loose teas, tho they were served in silk teabags. There was room for the tea to expand and experience the "agony of the leaf", so I was satisfied.

This tea was comfortable and cozy. I could imagine taking tea at an English pub. The food presentation was the nicest I'd seen in BC. The sandwiches were beautifully garnished! It was a wonderful afternoon treat, and I was especially blessed to enjoy it with my special tea friend!

Teapots at Hotel Georgia

Tea Fare at the Fish House

Tea at the Fish House, Stanley Park

I continue with the story of my tea adventures in Vancouver, BC.....
On the fourth day of my trip, I spent the bulk of the day exploring Stanley Park. It is an incredible green space! Bigger than New York's Central Park. I took a horse-drawn tour then walked the sea wall and hiked the interior (rain forest). I was hungry! I made my way to the Fish House in Stanley Park for Afternoon Tea. I had the chance to work up a bit more of an appetite, because it was on the complete opposite side of the park. By the time I was there, I was famished.

I had a nice Imperial Oolong tea. It was served in a small cast iron teapot. I was impressed that my server knew about the benefits of quality loose teas. The traditional three-courses were quite tasty. (See photo above). What I remember most intensely is the incredible blueberry jam that was served with the scones. It was so delicious!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Empress Hotel China

Tea at the Empress Hotel, Vancouver, BC

I recently had tea at the famous Empress Hotel in Vancouver, BC. I was blessed to enjoy it with a dear friend! (Thank you!) We took the ferry over from Vancouver to Victoria. The ferry ride was relaxing and provided us with lovely views of the islands.

Above is a photo of the China - designed exclusively for the Empress by Royal Doulton. The setting is lovely! It's the original tea parlor. Much has remained the same from a 1930s photo we saw. The menu started with fresh strawberries and whipped cream with a Canadian gooseberry on top. Then we had the tea sandwiches: egg salad, salmon & rye pinwheels, cucumber/tarragon, and a delicious and mysterious butter/carrot. Next came scones with golden raisins and jersey cream, and a shortbread biscuit. We finished the feast with chocolate ganache cake, a lemon perfiterole (cream puff), and a fresh fruit tartlet. The Empress serves its own blend of tea, a blend of Darjeeling, Ceylon, and China teas. I drank mine with milk and sugar! It was a wonderful experience that I will treasure!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Murchie's Coffee and Tea

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Rainy Tuesday

It's raining and chilly today! Warm weather came to tempt us in the Midwest, then disappeared. Mother Nature's way of reminding us she's in control, perhaps! I enjoy these cool and rainy days because they make for excellent tea-drinking weather! Check out my tiny tea biz website: This month I am running specials on two teas: Ice Wine and Blueberry.

Today, I am actually drinking someone else's tea: Murchie's Blend No. 22. The tea is a blend of black and green. I do enjoy it! I picked it up during a recent visit to Murchie's Coffee & Tea in Vancouver, BC. I'll write more about that trip over the next few posts. In the mean time, the photo above is a photo from Murchie's. It's a lovely store!

Monday, April 25, 2005


Hi - Welcome to my blog spot. This is a totally self-indulgent exercise. I get to post my musings on the world! I plan to write here every few days while having a nice cup of tea! We'll see where it goes - I have no idea. The one thing I can guarantee is that I'll do my best to mention tea somewhere along the way.

Thank you for reading! And, feel free to add a contact!