Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Old Fashioned Living and My Style

I enjoy visiting the Old Fashioned Living website. The author has a section on tea. I also subscribe to the daily newsletter, which generally features recipes and garden tips. Here are instructions from this site on making homemade rose water.

I'm drinking Picasso Soiree this morning. I received a surprise package in the mail yesterday bearing this tea. What a treat! The tea is described as having the aroma and flavor of a caramel crème brule. Indeed! It is an indulgent tea. Thank you!

I've been reflecting on my clothing choices. (Allison, you got me started down this path with your introspective on shoes.) I'm trying to cull not only my large teacup collection, but also my stockpile of clothes. It's a difficult task, as I'm a bit of a clothing collector - OK, a lot of of one. It runs in the family, right Mom? :-) Through this process, I've tried to define just what my personal style is. What I like to wear most are 1930-50s styles with a modern twist. Don't get me wrong - I practically live in jean shorts and tank tops. I work from home and don't have many reasons to dress up. Thank goodness my company doesn't use PC cameras (yet)! Nonetheless, when I have the occasion to pull out something other than my trusty home uniform, I like lace and frills.

What is most remarkable about this is that it's very different from my style in my college years. Then, I was fearful of wearing anything that would make me look too sweet, too young. I look young for my age, and when I was first starting out in the business world, I had a constant struggle with not being mistaken for the high school intern! (Yes, that really happened.) Now that I'm 32, this youthful appearance is beginning to be a blessing! So, bring out the skirts and the lace! Here's an example of something I would have never worn a decade ago. Stephanie and the DH.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Look at that handsome chap!

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Yeah for jean shorts and T's!

  3. This is the front porch at my Mom's house.

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    It's true,both my girls love clothes. (Don't know where it came from) I've noticed how both of you have changed in what you like to wear now that you are older!!!!


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