Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Americana on a Rainy Day

I'm dry now. I spent the past 2 hours fairly soaked. The DH (dear husband) and I set out shortly after 6 am this morning for the post office. I had two tea packages to mail. I like to go to the post office early in the morning. It's a refreshing 20-minute walk and the new machine that weighs packages and prints the postage is fun to use! :) (Can you tell I work for the high tech industry?) We'd planned last night to make the pilgrimage, so when we woke to a steady rain this morning, that didn't dissuade us. I wrapped my tea packages in plastic and buried them in my backpack. No rain was getting through to them! I, however, was another story.

My community is quite hilly and it had been raining all night. That combination of meteorological and topographical features made for a lot of puddles. Being only half awake shortly after 6 am, I promptly stepped in a big puddle and drenched my feet. Thank goodness the temps were a comfortable 72! We made our way to the post office. The DH even began his singing about half way there. (He's one of those people that almost always has a song in his head, and he often shares it with the world. Unfortunately, I can't remember today's selection.) The packages made it - safe and dry!

As a reward for our rain trek, I suggested bagels. The DH suggested biscuits and gravy. That sounded pretty good to me, as well, so we rounded the corner and turned into Ladyman's Cafe. We sat at the counter - I always love that because I feel tall! The DH had traditional biscuits & gravy and coffee. I had the two egg special: 2 eggs over easy, bacon, hashbrowns, toast, and hot chocolate. Oh, the toast! I just love cafe toast! It's the kind that is perfectly golden with the butter melted over the entire surface. Yumm!!! We chatted with the sweet waitress and read the paper. A nice leisurely breakfast. This is a definite benefit of working 9 am - 6 pm. I have time for enjoying the morning before the daily grind begins. On that note, now I must be off...time to make some tea and then hit the work clock!

1 comment:

  1. I love your description of your morning! It is lovely that you get to enjoy your morning time- I bet it helps you believe that there is truly more to a weekday than the daily clocking in and clocking out.


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