Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I tasted Pawpaws for the first time recently. Pawpaws are a delightful "wild" fruit grown in the woods of the Midwest. I say "wild" because I don't know of anyone that grows them intentionally. They're a large fruit that grows on the pawpaw tree. The fruit is ripe when it falls to the ground, usually around mid September. The soft flesh tastes like a mango-banana-custard. The best way to eat a pawpaw is to simply slice it open and enjoy! The only trouble with pawpaws is getting them. They are a special treat, enjoyed by squirrels and raccoons and many other forest critters. Humans have to hurry to gather one! My rather observant DH (dear husband) found these.


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I've heard of the elusive pawpaw, but never seen one! Thanks for sharing! I wonder...what tea goes well with mango-banana-custard? :-)

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Hey - nice photo, gypsy girl!


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