Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bragging Rights of a Big Sister

As a big sister, I hold the unique privilege of being able to dish out lots of unsolicited advice on how my younger sister should run her life. (In reality, I'm really working hard not to do this!) At the same time, I also claim the right to be the third-most-proud person in the world of the little sis's accomplishments. (Spots #1 and #2 reserved by Mom and husband.) Right now, I'll claim this bragging right...

My sister just opened Practical Magic day spa in Salem, IL. It's in a beautiful old home, which is listed in the National Historic Register. The downstairs contains the reception area and a salon. Massages can also be performed downstairs. Upstairs holds three very large massage rooms and an office. The staff of Practical Magic have done a terrific job of decorating the place. It's tasteful and luxurious and calming. It's one of those spaces I just don't want to leave.

The house is a *perfect* setting for a tea-party! We've already had one; a little celebration yesterday. Photos to come in a separate post.

If you're in the South-Central IL area, stop by! The day spa is just a hop off of Interstate 57. Phone 618-548-1322. Here are some photos:


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Wow! What an intelligent and ambitous younger sister you have! Sounds like she has a great place! By the way, the phone number is 618-548-1322. (I think you used the Indiana area code.) The write up is great, Thanks.

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Congratulations to the entrepreneur! What an important service to your community!



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