Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Cup of Tea in Tribute

Two women that I admire deeply passed away this past week.
Civil rights leader
Coretta Scott King and feminist pioneer Betty Friedan.

I admire Coretta Scott King for her work in racial and economic justice. She founded the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, which worked to remove what Scott King believed to be sources of violence: hunger, unemployment, voting rights, and racism.

I admire Betty Friedan for raising awareness that women can, indeed must, be fulfilled beyond their husbands and children. Friedan's book, The Feminine Mystique, is credited for beginning the feminist movement. As a woman who is happily choosing not to have children, I owe a lot to Friedan for her controversial and rebellious thinking in 1963!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    God bless them both. Oh woman, did you see how they just went on the attack at Coretta's funeral about the mispriorities of the gov't. If you can find some transcripts check it out. Bush was at the funeral, it must have been great. But they deserve everything they get. Another liberal activist person that died was Al Lewis (grandpa on the Munsters). Not a woman, but still on the right cause.


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