Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Early Spring Flowers

One of my favorite experiences in life is the anticipation and then discovery of the first flowers of Spring! Ours came about 2 weeks ago. Today, the DH (dear husband) and I went for a noon-time walk and found several floral treasures. Within about 3 weeks (I'm hoping), some daffodils will be in bloom. A few are usually showing their splendor for my birthday. >-)

I came home and had a cup of black tea with a lot of milk and sugar to celebrate! I'm also like the Victorian ladies in that I enjoy keeping notes in my journal regarding what flowers are in bloom over the course of the seasons. Enjoy the photo tour.

Crocus in my yard

Aconites amidst the fall leaves

A slow and happy bee in an early spring feast

Squirrel was definitely interested in eating and not worried about me.

Pretty setting on the IU campus. The small white dots in the foreground are snowdrops.

Close up of snowdrops.

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