Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy Summer Solstice!

Note: I meant to publish this yesterday, but got distracted.

I'm drinking a cup of Jasmine Pearls, going all out with the good stuff for the longest day of the year. It's pretty wild living on the Western edge of the Eastern timezone. It makes for long days - doesn't get dark until almost 10 pm.

The DH (Dear Hubbie) and I are going contra dancing tonight to celebrate. That makes four days this week we'll dance - Monday: Swing class, Wednesday: Contra, Friday: Ballroom class, and Saturday: Swing demos at the Farmer's Market. An excellent week! (I love to dance. In my opinion, it's one of the most primal and pure forms of celebration.)

Here are some pretty pictures from a recent vacation, the yard and around region...

Cows and 1 corgy from one of my favorite places

Japanese hollyhocks in the backyard. They're as tall as me!

Flower bouquet from the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I agree with your dancing sentiment. I was trying to get the girlfriend interested in swing dancing (even though I'm not very good at dancing), but she wasn't going for it. Ah well.


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