Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pike Place Market

On Day Two of the trip (Saturday), I walked down to Pike Place Market. This is one of the most famous sites in Seattle, of course second to the Space Needle. I had such beautiful weather, and the market was really busy! It had wonderful art and craft vendors, vegetable growers, fishmongers, and floral arrangements. The flowers featured below are dahlias and ornamental kale. One of the fish vendors actually throws fish around, but I never got to witness that exciting event.

Just to show that I really was in Seattle, here is the Space Needle. I took this photo on the walk down to the market from my B/B. And I mean DOWN! I stayed at the top of Capital Hill, and it's downhill the entire way to the market. Notice the poster on the left called Bodies? This is an art/science exhibit. I didn't go, but now wish I had. A guy in Europe figured out how to plasticize the human body and it's touring around. The DH would have loved it. It made me think of my friend, John, who is in nursing school. Probably would be an interesting field trip! More info on Bodies the Exhibition. It's being shown in Miami, Seattle, Las Vegas and New York.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Thank you for the visual tour! Pls keep writing!

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I love the Pike Place Market and wish that there was one where I live!


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