Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Cookie Exchange

I attended a Christmas Cookie Exchange recently and it was very fun! Each person brought 1-2 types of cookies, and we left with a wide assortment. :-) The only problem has been not gobbling them down at one sitting.

We also had a kitchen gadget exchange. That was fun - and I came home with Bob the Builder cupcake toppers! Here are a few photos of the beautiful cookies.

The hostess's marvelous creation - gingerbread reindeer (an upside-down gingerbread man).

The lovely cookie table

My teapot shortbread cookies. Butter, sugar and flour - what could be better?


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    MMMM! Those cookies all look very good. It sounds like a fun time.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Yum! Ok, it is almost lunch time and I'm supposed to be heading to the gym now...instead I want cookies after seeing these photos! :s

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I want a reindeer coookie! Your hair is looking very pretty these days.


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