Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Collins Living-Learning Center

I gave a tea talk last night at the Collins Living-Learning Center on the campus of Indiana University. I had a great time and hope the students did, as well! Thanks for the invitation!

The students asked thoughtful and insightful questions - some that even stumped me! We talked about tea etiquette (like where to put the teaspoon on the saucer), the history of tea and the processing of tea. A few students came in cool hats, pearls and fun attire. (See bottom left of photo.)

I promised to post a couple of URLs for websites that list tea spots around the US. Here they are:

Great Tearooms of America


Tea Guide


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Well done on the tea talk, Stephanie, and thank you for mentioning Great Tearooms of America.

    Just think: 2 weeks from today you and I will be students in Jane Pettigrew's Tea MasterClass in London!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!

    Take care, and see you at the airport!


  2. OH HOW FUN! A "tea talk"!

    way cool!


  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    We can't thank you enough for the wonderful tea experience, Stephanie. Now Collinsites will have perfect etiquette while lunching in the dining hall! We appreciate all you did to make this a success at Collins.


    BOEP co-chair


I value your comments, thank you!