Thursday, February 01, 2007

Really Beautiful and Unique Rosenthal Teapot

The generosity of my friends humbles me. I am the honored recipient of this really beautiful and unique Rosenthal teapot. It came from some friends who brought it home from their travels to Germany many years ago.

The creativity of this design is this:

1 - When you steep the tea, you turn the pot on its side.

2 - When the tea is done steeping, you turn it upright and the tea is out of the water.

I love the shape of the teapot. It works great, and is beautiful, as well. The fancy spout is one of my favorite parts. Here's the stamp on the bottom:


  1. Very cool and functional design!

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Hey - that's a snappy design!

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Wow! That is fabulous! I love it! When you're building your new house you should be sure that there's a special place to display all your lovely teapots.

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Hello Steph... I have the same Rosenthal teapot, white with blue floral trim, but never could find out the name of this design. By the way it is a copy (most likely much improved) of the famous SYP "Simple Yet Perfect" English design of 1888 or so I believe. Google SYP teapot and you will see our teapot's ancestor. But have always wanted to find out the name.


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