Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bday Cake and Poem

Well, today I turn 34! My friend Kim, a baker extraordinaire, made this lovely cake for me. It's a golden cake with chocolate-sour cream icing (2 kinds of chocolate!). It's wonderful! I had a piece last night and again for breakfast!

Here's a poem that I wrote recently about the blessings in my life.

Riches of My Life

A yellow daffodil and the scent of geranium

A safe home

Wealth enough to give me plenty of what I need and, thankfully,
Only some of what I want

A spirit and will that are my own

A body that I have befriended

A steadfast family

A life partner who challenges me, loves me, and feeds me -
My body and my soul

Friends that touch my heart

A mind that can discern its own truths

Enough pain and loss to make what I have
Ever sweeter

Plans and dreams

My life is 34 years beautiful
And I am present
I am flowing -
Flowing over with gratitude

and the DH, first thing this morning


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful day. Your cake is beautiful! I am really enjoying reading the blogs on your trip, too. Well, I will call you later to chat. Enjoy YOUR day!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Happy B-day! Love the poem and the photo of the DH and you. And of course, the cake!

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Happy Birthday Stephanie! Oh to be 34 years young again! Enjoy.


  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Happy Birthday Stephanie,

    Loved your poem and hope your day has been special. You have such an appreciation for life and I hope you are blessed with many more lovely birthdays to celebrate with those you love.

    The cake looks divine!

    Mary Jane

  5. I must know what shirt your DH is wearing. It looks very familiar but I can't make it out!


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