Friday, April 13, 2007

The Queen Doesn't Make Tea

Interesting little story. The Queen is missing a great pleasure for not making her own tea. The wasted "fluff" and expense for the Royals is disheartening.

(Thanks to my Tea Educator friends for sharing!)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Didn't you write a blog on organic chocolate? Where is it? I bought this hot chocolate from a store in Santa Fe called the Chocolate Maven, it had red chile powder and cinnamon in it. It was really good, but overpiced. I'm thinking of experimenting and creating my own version. There's a company called Dagoba that makes an unsweetened organic hot DARK chocolate mix and thinking I could use this as the base and then add spices and come up with my own mix. Sounds fun, eh?


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