Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grandma's Treasures

My Grandma Tressie was a yard sale shopper and collector. I am lucky to have inherited some of her treasures. Here are a few....

She liked to collect dishes. In particular, she gave both my sister and me a collection of china dishes. She also liked to collect depression glass. In the photo, the yellow pitcher on the left is Vaseline Glass. I don't know much about the two items on the right. The small green pitcher appears to be pressed glass and the darker green glass has a pretty filigree pattern.

These gifts from my grandmother are very precious to me. I've also inherited her love of yard sales and china!


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    You are very lucky to have both these tangible things and your memories!

  2. AWESOME little collection! And just perfect for the blooms!



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