Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Stationery Swap

As I recently described, I love letters! I think letters are one of the best ways to connect with others. Letters provoke deep feelings and shared confidences. They can be written in passion and sent with a flurry, or crafted lovingly over time. They can be re-read and treasured for years. They can be fun, healing, challenging, connecting, honest or soulful in ways that conversation cannot. Conversation sometimes fails us in the moment - we may not find the words. But a letter can be crafted until its meaning is just so.

For me, writing a letter is an indulgence to my senses. I love the thought involved, the colors, the scent, the images, the textures. I love the whole process - both writing and receiving, whether it's a 30-second note jotted in a hurry or a letter I have worked on for a long time.

To share my love of letter-writing, I'm hosting a stationery swap! If you'd like to participate, please let me know. Either leave a comment or e-mail me at
stephw7@sbcglobal.net. (If I don't have your e-mail, please be sure to leave me a way to contact you!)

Deadline to indicate your participation: Tuesday, August 10th.

Here is the format of the stationery swap:
* Send in 5 pieces of stationery
* Send in $1 for postage
* I will select 5 new pieces of stationery and add an additional bonus item and send back to you
* Once I hear back that you'd like to participate, I will respond via e-mail with more details

I hope to hear from you soon!


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Count me in! I'll e-mail separately.

  2. Hi Steph! I found you from Betty's blog @ She's Sew Pretty, and Oooh, how sweet! I too love letters, it is so easy now to just zip off an email, but I do miss the lovely letters I used to write and receive ...sigh... So,yes, I would love to be in your Stationery Swap! thank you so much! My email addy is Delia252@aol.com

  3. Hi Steph, I'd love to do a stationery swap with you. We can combine it into a tag/stationery swap if you want. Let me know.

  4. Can we send cards as well?


  5. Of course, I'd love to play stationery swap! Can't wait to hear more on the details

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I'd love to participate!

    Funny... a girlfriend and I have started a silly tradition - we send each other cards at random times throughout the year. But we don't write on the card themselves - we simply insert a little piece of paper into the card and mail the envelope along with it all. It's mail and a gift all in one!

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hi we might be interested in participating in the stationey swap. One question: Do we put the $1.00 in the package, or is that the amount of postage to put on the envelope? Sorry, but we are new to this! You can contact us at:

    For a snail mail address:
    P.O. Box 690124
    Vero Beach, Fl.

    ~Roxanne and Ashley

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Oh this sounds like so much fun! Can a Canadian join in? I'll post my email addy to you separately...


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