Monday, August 27, 2007

This, That and the Other....

This blog....Jes, over at her Sweetpea's blog, has mentioned my blog as one that she enjoys. :-) Thank you, Jes! And your jewelry is exquisite! (Also, please check out the info on the Just Be Connected creative blogger retreat on Cape Cod in October.)

That color...I found this blog post by Stephane so interesting! He shows how tea will look differently based on the color, shape and size of tea cup.

The other....Check out this interesting tidbit of tea history posted by Teaparty Girl regarding tea's connection to silk.


  1. Thanks Steph!!!

    And I have to say....those "Teaz Me" shorts...TOTALLY ROCKUS!!!

    "tee"-hee xoxoxox

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Wow - the blogging conference sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Thanks for the great links!


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