Monday, September 17, 2007

Tea Blog List

Tea Guy Speaks has compiled the most complete list of tea blogs I've seen. There are many of us blogging about tea! What I appreciate is that each has a unique perspective. Enjoy!


  1. We have beaded jewelry-making in common too!

    My Site:

    I'll add your blog to my links when I do my next such update. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Purity 12 lover...
    I’m a Dad of four and I’ve been in a bad shape for years. But because my wife loves me that much, she gave me Purity 12's Power Tea for me to try. I'm now much focused on getting a trimmer and slimmer body
    and what's best was I am now earning like my wife by giving this advice to my friends who are now working their way to experiencing what I'm benefiting! If you’re also interested in transforming yourself for the better, you should really try their products, I highly recommend it! Join Now!

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Purity 12 lover...
    I’m a Dad of four and I’ve been in a bad shape for years. But because my wife loves me that much, she gave me Purity 12's Power Tea for me to try. I'm now much focused on getting a trimmer and slimmer body
    and what's best was I am now earning like my wife by giving this advice to my friends who are now working their way to experiencing what I'm benefiting! If you’re also interested in transforming yourself for the better, you should really try their products, I highly recommend it! Join Now!


I value your comments, thank you!