Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Zhena's Gypsy Tea

I picked up a canister of Zhena's Gypsy Tea (Organic Breakfast Bliss) at TJ Maxx recently. I'm happy to report it makes a fine brew.

The tea was on clearance. The price was the same as what I would pay wholesale, so I decided to give the tea a try. A friend had recently given me a newspaper clipping about Zhena and her story of tea. It is interesting. She also has a blog. I admire that her teas are organic and fair-trade.

The canister was well-sealed (airtight), and that's an important consideration if you're looking to buy tea at TJ Maxx or other discount retailers. I have had good luck buying black tea when it is sealed properly and kept away from sunlight. Under these conditions, black tea will keep for at least a year (I've kept black tea longer and it was fine, but it was well-stored). I do not recommend buying green teas in this fashion. Green tea is much more delicate and generally should be consumed quickly. I try to drink it within 3 months, 6 at the max.

The real reason I wanted to buy this tea is for the canister. I've come to feel a little like a gypsy myself.


  1. you are so "gypsy" like Steph! Of course that is one of your unique qualities! have a TJ Maxx near you???

  2. Anonymous10:20 PM

    i never had fair trade tea before..what i had was organic oolong mostly from

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I never buy tea on sale or at a discount store, since I want the freshest tea possible. They say life is too short to drink bad wine, well I think the same about tea. To make sure I always have good tea I order my loose tea from Tea Laden. I also love the elegant gold bags the tea is packed in, since it makes nice gifts.

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'd just like to round out the comments by saying that black tea, when stored properly (as Steph indicates) is absolutely fine for up to a year. So go for the experimentation! At these prices, if you don't like the tea, just contribute it to the compost!


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