Wednesday, October 10, 2007

And The Winner Is....

Frivolitea has won my tea contest. Congratulations! I had 14 participants, and I'm grateful to each one of you for responding. I entered your names into a hat (actually a bowl) and pulled Frovolitea's name. Here's her answer to my prompt, "Tell me why you like tea (or don't)."

Frivolitea said...
"Tea warms me in cool weather and tea (iced) cools me and quenches my thirst in warm weather. Also, when I need just a little something to consume, it is a lovely calorie-free treat (since I always take it black.)"

Frivolitea will have her choice of two samples from my autumn teas collection. I hope she enjoys!

I tried out the Pumpkin Spice tea this week. It's a very nice fall tea. It smells and tastes of pumpkin pie spices and I get a bit of the pumpkin/ maple/honey smell when the tea has been steeped. It's very good with a dash of honey. I didn't try it with milk, tho I imagine it would blend well with the other flavors.

Here's the dry leaf. It's a lovely mix of tea leaves, flower petals, chunks of spices and dried fruit.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Yipeee! I am so excited to have won your tea contest! The pumkin spice tea sounds divine. Best wishes to you and happy fall!

  2. Congratulations! I plan to have your Pumpkin Spice and Black Pearl tea samples in the mail tomorrow!

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Dear Steph, Thanks so much for sending the tea! I recieved it today and can't wait to try it! Best wishes, Frivolitea


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