Saturday, November 03, 2007

Back to Chicago....

I'm feeling a bit guilty since I got sidetracked from my Chicago Tea Trip report, so now I'm back to it.

On Friday night (still day one) of the trip, we saw the movie Bella. The movie's tag line reads, "True love goes beyond romance." It's a movie that I highly recommend! Check out the website and read about it for yourself. The "indie" movie has won numerous awards. We were lucky to see it on opening night in Chicago.

After the movie, we headed to Pizzeria Due for a take-out order of Spinnocoli pizza. YUM! If you've never had Chicago pizza, you really need to add that to your list of things to do before you die! The deep-dish crust is buttery and crumbly. It's just wonderful.

While we were waiting for the pizza, we stepped across the street to Trader Joe's (also just across the street from our hotel!) Trader Joe's is such a fun place to shop! I came home with two jars of Indian sauces (like pasta sauce in a jar, but with Indian spices). Indian food is my favorite, and this variety is very tasty. We bought a few things this evening, but also made plans for a bigger shopping trip later in the weekend.

It was a very full and fun day! Next up - Tea and cupcakes in several places across Chicago!


  1. Thanks for the movie recommendation- if I ever get to the movies, I'll check out Bella. :)
    Btw, I LOVE Chicago-style pizza and TJ's Indian sauces. TJ's also has frozen naan that is so darn tasty! MMMMM...

  2. here's a delicious treat for you to try if you purchased the Trader Joe (TJ) India Relish. Buy some black bread and paneer cheese. Cut the bread into pieces about the size of tea sandwich, put a piece of paneer cheese on it & add some India Relish. Heaven. (it's one of my playa-favorite foods)


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