Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Buy Nothing Day

I plan to post soon on the topic of the politics of tea (per a reader question). In the mean time, I encourage you to join me in celebrating Buy Nothing Day. It's Friday, Nov 23, the day after Thanksgiving - traditionally, the busiest shopping day of the year.

Join me in this "consumer fast!"


  1. i love 'buy nothing day.' thanks for mentioning it. i'm definitely into that. my sweetie and i try to stay far away from stores on the friday after thanksgiving.

    i intend to spend the day creating... writing... writing... writing...

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    For the past four years, I have been at my mother-in-law's in California for Thanksgiving, and buying nothing has been easy, and a great pleasure (especially knowing the frenzy that much of the country is in on that day, showing up at WalMart at 5 a.m. and the like). After a rough fall where I have done little for myself, I hope to sneak off for a solo movie sometime during the weekend, but I'll try not to make it Friday. Mary

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Thanks for the reminder! Tony and I will be spending "Buy Nothing Day" driving to Florida to see his folks for a few days (they are visiting), then we're off to the Bahamas for a week! What a great way to start the holiday season, wouldn't you say???? Hugs, Denise

    P.S. Looking forward to your "politics of tea"!

  4. It was easy for me to celebrate "buy nothing day" for two reasons- 1. I hate crowds. Especially crowds shopping. 2. I was 60 miles from the nearest shopping mall (in Mt. Shasta, CA where I lived from age 9-20). :-)


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