Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tuba Santas

I'm sipping a cup of Royal Star tea (a souvenir from my Tea in London trip) and thinking how perfectly timed these extra few days away from work have been! I needed a break!

Today I enjoyed one of my (new) favorite holiday traditions - the Tuba Santas! This is a group of tuba players from Indiana University. The group plays Christmas carols and raises money for charity. The sounds of the tubas are fantastic! It's such a jovial instrument. Harvey Phillips (on the left in the photo) is the founder of the Tuba Santas, and it's a delight to hear him sing "Santa Wants a Tuba for Christmas." Here is more about the Tuba Christmas organization.

There is so much for me to fret over in the "holiday" season. I can easily get overwhelmed by the busyness, the expectations, the consumerism. And then there are such sweet things, like the Tuba Santas. They give me a very old-fashioned experience as Harvey talks about good will and giving to those less fortunate and praying for world peace. I long for the world to have this kind of Christmas experience - one where the emphasis is on family (by birth and by choice) and sharing with those in need, not the newest toy to hit the stores or the 4:00 am store openings.

I've enjoyed and been encouraged by Tea Party Girl's suggestions for reclaiming the holiday experience for ourselves. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, another holiday or simply the return of the light to the northern hemisphere....may it be meaningful for you!


  1. The "Tuba Santas" sound like a lot of fun! What a great way of experiencing the moment and getting away from all of the expectations of the holiday season.

  2. While the Tuba Santas play only in the Hoosier State, TubaChristmas is performed all over the country. is the link you need to check. Admission is free for audience members.


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