Thursday, December 27, 2007

Center of My Attention

I've been away, visiting family over the holidays, and this little cherub has been the center of my attention.

The photo below is one of my favorites! I love the juxtaposition of the smiling adults with the crying baby. What I learned from her is to be real and in the moment. She was very hungry and tired, and taking photos wasn't in her plans. As soon as this was snapped, baby was changed out of the frilly dress and fed! Then she returns to the cherub look. ;-)

Left to right, Grandma (my mom), Me, Baby and Mom (my sister)


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    She doesn't get much cuter than the picture where she's all bundled up! I love it! I have a couple of really good ones to send you. She really enjoyed her time with you!

  2. Your niece is just adorable! (I'm a doting aunt myself, so I can relate! Ha!)

  3. We can hardly wait to meet that little girl in person. Gary told J that Lola behaves herself "like a perfect gentleman"! Love the pictures ~ love the girls in them!

  4. Those pictures are awesome! I can't wait to hear about the visit and see the family story book...

    (hint hint)


  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    What an adorable picture of the baby all bundled up. Can't wait to see more photos!

  6. She's beautiful! I adore my nieces. I've had so much fun watching them growing up. Emjoy her and have a wonderful New Year!

  7. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Wonderful privilege to see you in your family context.

    Happy New Year


  8. Very sweet! Happy new year to you!


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