Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunshine On My Table Makes Me Happy

This lovely handmade, patchwork table cloth was a gift from the Cake Goddess. Orange is my favorite color and this bright splash of sunshine makes me very happy!

And in case you need a dash of John Denver today, hear him sing Sunshine on My Shoulders.


  1. I love your table cloth. The colors are great. What a lovely gift!

  2. Your tablecloth reminds me of tropical flowers in sunshine. What a special gift.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Looks fabulous on your table, and I'm so glad it fits!

  4. Love the cheerful table cloth! As for John Denver, I often sing, "Sunshine on my shoulders..." when I open the blinds in the morning. Jackson has recently started saying "no singing mommy", though- I guess I'll have to save that for my moments of alone time. Haha!

  5. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Steph -

    It looks AWESOME and so you!

    Happy New Year to you.



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