Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Taking Care

The past few days have been a time for me to slow down and take care. I'm not ill, but I'm also not 100%. I'm happy that I'm listening to my body and responding to the need to be quiet, sit still, stay home. It's when I don't pay attention to my body's needs that I end up feeling even worse.

My self-care has included a quiet weekend at home (instead of running around like planned), drinking lots of fluids including green tea and ginger tisane, stretching and lots of sleep.

I have enjoyed this time of resting and nesting. When I choose to look at it as what I am doing for myself, instead of what I'm missing, it becomes a comfort rather than a loss.

How do you care for yourself in the winter/holiday season?


  1. It is hard to slow down and not do anything "productive" when we need to. Good for you for listening to your own needs.
    I've been reading a book about meditation and I am really looking forward to my time off over the holidays to just sit and breath. I need "me time" to keep me sane. :)

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    When I have a cold or feel a cold coming on, I drink some sort of hot cinnamon tea with orange juice mixed in. It turns out a bit like the hot drink we call "Russian tea" minus lots of sugar.
    Good that you are caring for yourself. Many of us should follow your example!

  3. i love the taking care emphasis. i love the word nourish... nourish is when we take care of ourselves.... and extends far beyond food. so i wish you deep nourishment...

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Steph I like the way you chose to say "doing for myself, instead of what I'm missing, it becomes a comfort rather than a loss". Boy, this is very mature thinking. And I am not implying that you are not grown up just that most people are never able to look at things this way or do not often remember. You just reminded me and I appreciated that.


I value your comments, thank you!