Wednesday, January 09, 2008

National Hot Tea Month

January is a month to celebrate! It's National Hot Tea Month. In honor of this designation, I will taste two new teas and share my experiences with them here. I hope you will do the same!

I encourage you to find your own way to celebrate tea and share it with us here. Will you try two new teas, as well? Will you try a green tea or a white tea for the first time? Will you consider adding milk into your afternoon cup? Will you find an herbal tisane that is just your cup of "tea"? Oh, the adventures.....


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I did not know that January is national hot tea month! I am going to "google" that to learn more. Thanks for sharing your adventures with tea!

  2. I didn't know that either. Thanks for sharing that info, Steph.
    Hmmmm, now what fabulous new teas can I try this month...

  3. Hello Stephanie,
    I love tea!!!! I can drink it any time of the day or night. I blogged about January National Tea month too. Do you have a farm and grow your own teas? The lady one sounds delicious with strawberry and lemon. If you get a chance I would appreciate it if you checked out my blog at Squidoo. Here is my link:

  4. Clueless me.....and I usually am "up" on most things. But I had no ideal it was "Hot Tea Month." Funny though really...HA! I have tried the Green's the Whites (refereed to as the "Champagne of tea")and most black teas....I ALWAYS do milk/cream and sugar. Although I have been known to use lemon and sugar or what have you.
    That's good too. But I do like the milk/cream situation the best. Plus when I was in Ireland/England, I learned that many there use the milk/cream because it helps to keep your teeth from "staining"....hummm.
    I didn't know that beforehand. I like many teas, but my all time fave is just regular....."English Breakfast Tea." You just can't beat it. I do like some fruity herbals too though on occasion. Your the first person with a "Tea Blog" that I have really liked to read. Keep up the good work!
    Joyce M.

  5. How cool and to think we are going to an afternoon tea this month. How perfect! Martin put a Peach/Ginger tea in my christmas stocking that is very very good!!!!

  6. Why yes, of course! I will try Lipton Hot and Lipton Cold!


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