Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chandler House Tea Room

Last Saturday, two girlfriends and I "broke away" (hee hee -if you know Indiana movie trivia or you are a cyclist, you'll get the reference) from a busy month to spend some time relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We visited the Chandler House Tea Room in Bedford, IN. This newly-opened tea room serves a luncheon menu from 11 am - 2 pm. On the menu, you'll find sandwiches, soups, salads and marvelous tea-themed desserts. I was very impressed with the tea menu, which highlighted over 20 high-quality loose teas.

One friend chose a hand-tied artisan tea. It was fun to watch it unfurl and display the artistic flower inside.

The other friend and I split a pot of Lover's Leap (black estate tea), served in this lovely cream and brown pot.

We all ordered quiche and a salad, both of which were delicious. Notice the heart-shaped cheese. Such attention to detail always impresses me!

The dessert menu included scones, petit fours and tartlets. We had some of all! It's hard to pick a favorite!

The tearoom decor was very elegant. Deep burgundies and gold were featured throughout. This tea cart caught my eye!

If you live in the area, I highly recommend a visit to the Chandler House Tea Room in Bedford (812-278-8923)! You will also enjoy browsing through the small gift shop that, by the way, sells the brown and cream teapot featured above.

Thanks to K (Sweetcakes) for sharing some of her photos! You can read her review of the tearoom here. I always find it interesting to read various reviews of a tea room.


  1. That tearoom has it all, great food and tea and a beautiful atmosphere. I especially like that you can order from a menu instead of taking whatever the owner decides to serve that day.

    I do remember the movie Breaking Away. I haven't trusted Italian bicyclists since then. :)

  2. I remember that movie too was that were the guy kept talking in Italian and acting Italian and he actually WASN'T...and they thought he was nutty? HA!
    So funny.
    I LOVED your photos and the quiche and salad and ALL the food looked GREAT. Yummy and classy.
    Ugh....I need a road trip. Wonder how far it is to Indiana from here?
    Thanks for sharing...it was all so nice. I'm glad you went.

  3. This looks and sounds like a great tea room! How fun to get away with friends --- and to have a resource such as this tea room with such yummy food and tea is great!

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Wish I had been there! This looks like a great tea room, and I've yet to visit one that actually offered the display teas like that. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear cyber friend!

  5. oh, that looks like a great place to go. the food looks so yummy! i love quiche.

  6. I love the "broke away" reference! You have some great pics too!

  7. I LOVED the movie, Breaking Away, when I was a young-un! Glad you got to go to tea. And I like your post about your sister's cup, too. What a great way to describe someone. Those are fabulous characteristics to have. Happy Birthday, too! What's your day?


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