Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Practicing Gratitude

I'm developing a practice of gratitude, adding it into my daily routine. Before I go to sleep each night, I reflect on at least 3 things I'm grateful for from that day. Even on bad days, I find lots of things to appreciate. It helps to reframe my experience and put things in perspective, especially if I've been in a funk.

Yesterday, I had a lot to be thankful for! Here are a few of those things:

  • We had our first grape hyacinth bloom. This tiny little blossom inspires me with its power. It can scent an entire room!

  • Our daffodils are really starting to bust out.

  • Our 2007 taxes are done early!

  • The DH and I went last night to see the musical Movin' Out, based on the music of Billy Joel. It was fantastic! It's like a modern dance and ballet performance, set to BJ's great tunes!

  • The walk home from the show was so lovely! It was cool, but not cold, and just so pretty out.

  • My work e-mail is almost caught up from being gone for a week!

  • And on and on I could go...


  1. Hi Steph,
    Beautiful photo. I love grape hyacinth. They're so colorful and textural and such a wonderful harbinger of Spring.
    I just noticed rock iris blooming in our front yard. Spring has finally arrived here in New England. We never think it will get warmer and then it always does.
    Thanks for the reminder on being grateful. When we stop to do that, it changes everything in our world.

  2. What a great way to end each day. Having a positive attitude is so important and being grateful is certainly part of it. I bet you sleep better too!

  3. Thank you, thank you for continuing your blog. Now I just have to figure out how to add it to my RSS Feed...beside that glad you liked the Movin Out musical :). Oh by the way...One thing I am grateful for is being able to work with you :)

  4. Anonymous3:28 AM

    What a wonderful habit to create - the practice of gratitude. Thanks for the reminder of how important that is. And your photo of the hyacinth is lovely. Best wishes to you and happy spring!

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Steph I love this photo - it's so serene :)

    I used to get a wee bit jealous of people with gardens at this time of year (my balcony is too small for what I'd love), but now I just wallow in the beauty they share. Thx!

  6. Steph, that photo is incredible! It would make a lovely card. :) I'd love to buy a print from you...


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