Saturday, April 12, 2008

Watercress Heaven

The Farmer's Market has just opened for the season, and that means a bit of heaven for me - watercress! The DH has concocted the perfect combination of tastes with bread, butter and this plant. And the best part is that it's sooooooo simple!

1 Parmesan-peppercorn baguette (sold at a local bakery, tho any baguette would do)
1 bunch of watercress, rinsed
1 stick of butter, softened

Slice the bread; smear with butter and top with watercress. Enjoy! Oh, my - it's heaven!

Watercress grows wild in shallow streams around here. But I'm pretty particular about its source. Sadly, so many of our streams have heavy agri-business runoff (harsh chemicals), so I try to find sources that are free from runoff, to the extent that it's still possible.


  1. Looks delicious -- with softened butter as a key ingredient, how couldn't it be?! Enjoy!

  2. Ummm....I suppose you could use Spinich too if you can't find the other? This looks tasty. Enjoy!

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Sounds delicious!

  4. OK, I am going to try this! Thanks!

  5. Mmm, yum! Glad you are enjoying your local food offerings. :)

    Just stopped by a local green market this morning. Broccoli raab and apples and pastries, oh, my!


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