Monday, May 12, 2008

Calling All Arts & Crafters!

Angela, over at Tea with Friends, recently brought to my attention that the magazine Cloth Paper Scissors is hosting a tea party challenge. The gist is to "make a mixed-media piece of art that celebrates home and hospitality based on a tea party theme." Details. The deadline to e-mail photos of your entry is July 14, 2008.

Fun! I hope some of us will play!


  1. I love that magazine! Hmmmmm, a tea party challenge....sounds intriguing!

  2. I'm so glad you posted about this, because you and Frivolitea are actually two of the people I am hoping will participate! (She's already got the work, just has to decide WHICH to send!)

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Thanks so much for the tip! I need to get to work on this!

    Best wishes!

  4. Cool! Thanks for the link! Do you mind if I post about it on my blog with a credit to you for finding it?

  5. Oh, share away! I'm happy for as many people to know, as possible! (And you see I got the idea elsewhere, too.)

  6. I LOVE the fabric piece on cover of the magazine! Tea and cupcakes, two of my favorite things!


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