Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, the ThirTEAnth!

A double post today, but I had to share with you the cute Tea Superstitions post from Denise at Uniquely Tea. (I borrowed this post title from Denise, too.) By the way, Denise was the leader of the magnificent Tea in London tour I took in March, 2007.

I'm on vacation from work next week. Wahoo! I am ready! Staying in town, relaxing and with the hopes (but no pressures) of tackling a few projects. My mom, sister and niece will also be over for a visit for a couple of days. Ah, relaxation, here I come....


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Enjoy your time off! Call me if you feel like getting together for lunch or something.

  2. Hi Steph, I was just talking to Denise about you in an email telling her I'd like to contact you and she suggested I contact you threw your blog.My name is Sandi and I live in hazelwood In.which is 12 miles from Plainfield.I'm about 35 or 40 miles from you.I would love to talk to you.I'm signed up for the tea in London tour for 2009.I know you went on the last one and I've saw the pictures from it.I've been having teas for 16 years now but none of my friends are really into tea they just like coming to my teas so it would be really nice to have someone to talk to that is interested in tea like I am.It would be great to hear from you.You can email me at Sandi

  3. Hi, Sandi! I'll be in touch! This trip will be a dream!


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