Friday, June 06, 2008

Strawberry Heaven

Our strawberries have been doing really well this year, despite the birds! (They eat half a berry, and leave the rest!) I've had enough to munch on, make strawberry shortcake, AND make a batch of freezer jam. Yumm!

Strawberry shortcake, with a yummy low-fat, low-sugar whipped topping
(I'll share that recipe soon)

I wore my Grandma's strawberry-colored apron to make the jam

One of the things that's nice about freezer jam is that, since the berries aren't cooked,
they retain their bright red color! (Thanks, A and J, for the inspiration to make jam!)


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You're very welcome. I won't take any credit, but I'll be happy to sample the freezer jam!

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The jam looks wonderful! I haven't made any yet, I'm hoping my mom will have enough strawberries left over for me to make a batch.

  3. I made an extra jar for you two!

  4. Love the apron! Love the look of the jam - I bet it's great!

  5. How does the freezer jam work? I'm not familiar with that.

    Yummy pictures... and descriptions. Thanks.

  6. This post reminded me that I cut out several recipes for freezer jam from a Southern Living issue last summer. I'll have to locate them and give it a try. Your jam looks delicious!

  7. oh, i love making jam! and strawberry shortcake! yummy, i have been craving it! our strawberries have another month or so, but i can't wait!

  8. Your jam looks so yummy...How special to wear your grandmas apron. I might have to try making that next year. Our strawberries are finished for this year...MISSY

  9. hi, Crescent - I used the recipe on the back of the Sure-Jell box for the jam (and I used the less-sugar variety). It directs one to bring the sugar/water/pectin to a boil, then remove from heat and stir in the berries, then put in plastic or jars (I prefer jars). So simple!

  10. Thanks. I'll explore that. Seems fun.

  11. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The strawberries look absolutely luscious! I have one of my grandma's aprons, too - I just love wearing it when I cook.

    You and Linda and Nancy have inspired me to start a tea blog of my own! No real rhyme or reason - just a fun, tea-themed blog.

    Hope it's cooler up there in Bloomington than it is here in Charleston. 2:06pm and already 100 degrees - I don't EVEN want to know what the heat index is!

  12. That looks so yummy! I love strawberry jam! :-)

    Stop by to see my new blog "redesign" and giveaway!

  13. Gorgeous jams, Steph.
    I put up some pickled watermelon rind recently.
    The canning season has begun...


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