Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Contest Entry - Why I Love Tea!

This is my entry into Felicitea's contest for using words (prose or poems) to explain why I love tea, in the hopes of converting others. I've had a little fun with is my entry! (And if you'd like to enter, you've got until end of Thursday. Fun prizes offered!)

Why I Love Tea
Amazing varie-tea
A friendship socie-tea
A drink of proprie-tea
Why I love tea

Reduces anxie-tea
Releases persnicki-tea
I love its entire-tea
Why I love tea


  1. Too cute, Stephanie. Sounds like a winner to me!

  2. You are my inspiration!

  3. That's great, Steph! It made me smile all over. I think you have a wonderful chance to win with your clever and cute entry.

  4. Good morning Steph. I'm new to your blog and wanted you to know that I too had the pleasure of meeting Marilyn this week at The Tea Zone.

    Your little poem here is too cute and perfectly expresses the feeling I think most of us experience when we drink a soothing cup of tea.

    I also think you are so lucky to have friends living in Boulder Creek. We lived in San Jose at one time and loved visiting there. It is such a sweet little town.

  5. Such creativi-tea!


I value your comments, thank you!