Thursday, July 03, 2008

When the Pickin's Easy

I'm in the mood to celebrate the 4th of July this year. It's been a while since I've felt like our country had much to celebrate. But this year I have hope for change, and I am also marching in the 4th of July parade. Good things.

The 4th of July also means it's blueberry time! I went berry picking with Sweetcakes this morning. We had a perfect day! We didn't know it, but today was the opening for berry picking, and the bushes were loaded with big, fat, plump orbs. Gorgeous and delicious! And fortunately, we wrapped up just before the rain came!

Last year, I made blueberry jam. I think I'll make a batch again, and freeze some berries, too. I'm also imagining a round of blueberry scones. And maybe blueberry cake. And blueberry pie? I picked nearly 10 pounds!

Here is a poem about blueberries from Robert Frost.

Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb,
Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum
In the cavernous pail of the first one to come!
And all ripe together, not some of them green
And some of them ripe! You ought to have seen!

I'm not planning to blog over the long weekend. I'll be back on Monday. Have a safe and happy Independence Day!


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Happy 4th to you! I'm having hope this year, as well.

  2. Mmm, looks delicious! I used to pick blueberries when I was a kid. We would eat them alone and on cereal and ice cream, and make pies and muffins. (And... and... Can you tell this is an exciting topic for me? Haha.) Enjoy!

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    We went blueberry picking yesterday. Loved it though the bushes where we were picking were a bit picked over. On the way home we found a huge area covered by wild blackberries. They should be ripe in about a week. Can't wait! Glad you shared your blueberry adventures!

  4. Where did you go blueberry picking? That sounds fun. I'd like to do that. Sounds yummy too.

  5. OOOOH! I didn't even know that Indiana had abundant blueberries! Where did you go?
    In case you feel like making a pie with your bounty, I recommend a fresh blueberry pie. Link to the recipe here:
    It is easy and AMAZING. Everyone I have ever served it to LOVES it.

  6. Hi Steph,
    I read your post yesterday but didn't have time to write you a comment.
    I enjoyed hearing from you today....and I LOVED how you called the holiday "Independance Day"....that just sounded so GOOD to me for some reason...more impressive than the "4th of July" for some reason.

    I'm loving your blueberries. Our season has been over down here. HA! We are always about 2 months plus further along it seems.
    Blueberry scones sound wonderful. I have been meaning to make some for me as well...I will have to get some blueberries at Whole Foods next time I go.
    Talk to you later!

  7. Bloomingtongirl - Thank you for the recipe!!

    There's a blueberry farm about 40 min outside of town. It's called Bray's U-pick. Go here:

    Scroll to Greene county.

  8. thanks for the link to the pick your own places in Indiana. nice. will check that out. sounds like a fun outing... and scrumptious.

  9. Fresh blueberries are the best! I like the red teapot, too! It is very appropriate for several holidays.

  10. Once again it was great fun picking with you, and we couldn't have had a more perfect day! The blueberries are the best I have ever tasted and mine are almost all gone!:(

  11. They sure look good. I'll have to get over to our neighbourhood blueberry farm and pick some. They are my favorite topping for granola and I think blueberry scones are hard to beat.

    Thanks for sharing the poem, too.


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