Friday, August 15, 2008

Rhubarb Cake

My friend CW has been raving about this rhubarb cake that she recently made. The DH and I got some rhubarb with the CSA this week, and so I gave the cake a try. I must agree - it's fabulous (and unusual). Here is CW's original recipe. And here are a few notes from my hippy cooking alterations.

  • I used all whole-wheat flour.
  • Instead of sour cream, I used non-fat yogurt.
  • I used brown sugar in the topping, instead of white.
  • I wondered about using maple syrup in the topping - maybe next time!
  • I almost always reduce the amount of sugar when I bake, but given rhubarb's tang, I did not this time.

This goes wonderfully with a cup of strong black tea!


  1. This sounds like a fun one to try, especially since I really like those "hippy cooking alterations" myself!

  2. great changes to the recipe...I will have to try that too :) Glad you liked it..i love anything with rhubarb in it :)

  3. Sounds like a recipe for black tea lover me! I must've been "channeling" your blog, because I had a slice of rhubarb pie yesterday. :)


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