Monday, September 15, 2008

Campfire Scones

Hello! I'm back from vacation and thought I'd share how my campfire scones turned out. It was a definite experiment. It was cool and dark (about 6:30 am) on this morning, as I hovered over the fire , hoping and praying that these scones would turn out! And they did!

Here is my recipe, in case you head out on your own camping adventure.

Mix together before leaving for camp, in a light-weight container with a lid:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Enough milk powder to make 1/3 cup (consult your dried milk instructions)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Dash cinnamon
  • Dash salt
  • A handful or two of raisins, to your preference
  • A handful of nuts, if desired (I used pine nuts)
  • Toss well or stir, to mix

Take with you to camp:

  • The mix, from above
  • Butter, 1/4 cup (pre-cut into chunks is nice) and enough extra to grease the pan
  • 2 eggs
  • Water, enough to make 1/3 cup (or a little more)
  • Cast-iron pan for placing over fire

Get your fire going and place a grate over the flame/coals. Grease your cast iron pan.

With your fingers, mix the butter into the flour mixture, until it forms the consistency of cornmeal. Beat the eggs and add, along with enough water to form a soft dough. Spoon into cast iron pan and spread evenly.

Place over fire and cook until tops are golden. What worked well for me was to cut the scones into quadrants and flip them, once the bottom had set and it started to be cake-like. This prevents the bottoms from getting too done and lets the top get golden. (Thanks, Amanda, for the suggestion!)

Enjoy with a cup of tea, made from hot water in your campfire kettle!

Special thanks to Amanda and Jason for braving the experiment!


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    No problem at all. Eating is one of the things I do well. Cheers!

  2. Fantastic! What a fun experiment!

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Thank YOU for the tasty breakfast! I think everything tastes better cooked over a campfire.

  4. Welcome back! I've missed your contributions to the blog world. Your campfire scones look great - excellent experiment!

  5. What a great idea for the campfire. Welcome back from me too! You were missed.

  6. Yum! Looks tasty and fun.

    Hey... I've got something I want to give you. Maybe we'll sneak in a tea get together sometime soon? I just got back from a trip as well. Let me know when you've got time.



  7. glad you had fun.
    I love seeing the pictures of the camp fire. Our kids will be old enough next summer to start camping adventures and we can't wait!
    the scones look yummy!

  8. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Glad to have you back in the saddle, Stephanie! I hope your vacation was all that you wanted it to be. The scones look delicious! Well done!

  9. Very cool! Doesn't food just taste better when you're camping and cooking it outside?!

  10. Anonymous2:35 PM

    What a great treat! Thanks for visiting my bog! I'll be back soon!


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