Thursday, October 16, 2008

641 - Dewey Decimal and Tea

Order, control - ah, I love it! (Tho I am working hard on embracing creative messes. That's another story.)

This week I completed "stack reader" training at my local library. It's just so cool! I'll be a library volunteer, which gives me access to the staff bathrooms AND a badge. Plus I get to spend hours and hours floating through the library putting things in order and under control. Heaven? Pretty close!
So if you see me at the library looking with concentration at a row of books, I'm practicing my Dewey Decimal skills. Tip: Tea items are scattered throughout the library, based on the type of work (fiction, non-fiction, etc.) However, you'll find a cluster of tea books in the "641" area of the library. Example: Elizabeth Knight's Tea with Friends. And on this topic, check out this creative mug. It pairs my love of libraries and of tea!

*Images from free Microsoft clipart and the mug manufacturer


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Arghh! I actually had this very same object (the Dewey Decimal tea mug) scheduled to post on my blog next Monday!! GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! This is such a cool mug, isn't it? Would be a great conversation starter anywhere!

  2. Indeed we do, Denise!

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Now I have two nicknames for you. Tea Lady and Bookworm. ;-)

  4. Fun post and a great blog. I'm looking forward to reading more. (And beautiful job on the Butterick dress BTW. I DEFINITELY have not mastered proper fit on dresses for me. I'd never dare post them on my blog! I'll stick to knitting for now.)

  5. I LOVE the library, and how wonderful of you to volunteer there! And I love the mug, too. Perfect!

  6. It's nice that you have time to do the things that you enjoy.

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Steph, Thank you for visiting my blog! I love the collection pieces you have in your banner photo.
    I too, enjoy the library! Oh to have a few quiet minutes to myself in the stacks!

  8. I've worked in libraries a lot... and reading shelves is great. It's a way to meditate... and just soak up information about what's in the library collection.

    Have fun.

  9. Sounds like a great gig!

  10. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Now I better understand why I have this unexplainable affinity for you - we both love tea, libraries, and books!


  11. i like your idea.nice work and thanks for sharing.


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