Monday, October 20, 2008

NaBloPoMo - Are you ready?

November is not that far away, and I'm staring to think about National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). For the month of November, many bloggers commit to posting every day. I did it last year, and it was both harder and more fun than I imagined.

I'm signing up again this year! Are you in? (You don't have to sign up at the official site to be part of the fun. You can do it on your own, if you prefer.)


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Thank you for this reminder! I've signed up as - so far - I've posted every day on my blog since its inception. It is difficult at times though. The website you mention will be a great source of encouragement!

  2. This is more difficult than it sounds! Good Luck! Even between the two of us posting on one blog we haven't been able to post every day! It is a true commitment.

  3. Have fun with it. When I used to blog, I'd blog multiple times a day often!

    I did one blog where I posted every day for 6 months... sharing work I'd written at least 6 months prior. You'd think that'd be easier as it involved old writing, but it was actually a lot of work cause I had to read through old writings to find things.

    Of course some blog programs let you stack things up and have them ready to automatically post on a future date. You could "cheat" that way and no one would be the wiser! ;-)

    Looking forward to knowing that coming here every day will pay off with some new content.


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