Monday, October 13, 2008

The Tea Deck

I am blessed by generous and compassionate friends! I received the Tea Deck as a gift today. The deck of 50 cards is divided into topics of black, oolong, white, green and herbal. For each type of tea, the card discusses the tea's background, its taste, special properties and tips. Also included is a very interesting recipe section.

My friend and I sat on the porch and sipped Formosa oolong (also called Bai Hao) as we looked at the deck. We pulled the Formosa oolong card (one of my all-time favorite teas) and enjoyed the exquisite photo and description as we sipped.

I am delighted with this deck and can hardly wait to review each card! The deck is a gift on so many levels, because the photography is amazing (and I'll use it as inspiration for my photography). In addition, I can use the cards as a meditation guide, to consider what is happening in my larger connected life.

*images from the Tea Deck publishers


  1. This looks fun! I'll be ordering a deck!

  2. How interesting. I can tell you'll get hours of enjoyment from them.

  3. You show the fun things and pretty things. I still got to try your cornmeal scones.

  4. Something new, tea deck of cards. How fun and the photography does look beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I had a wonderful time sipping tea and conversing about tea and life on your porch the other day. What a blessing!

    Glad you are enjoying the tea deck. Looks good up here on your blog.

  6. Oh look, another item that is getting added to my Christmas list! Haha! :)

    Thanks for posting about it!

    If only I could find a playable deck of cards with pictures of tea on it. Then my family will officially think I'm crazy! Haha!


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