Friday, November 07, 2008

Arm Warmers

OK, I love, Love, LOVE these arm warmers! I made them yesterday using these steps and knee-high socks. (I didn't hem mine on the ends, as they are knit and won't unravel.)

Arm warmers are perfect for those 3/4 length sleeves that don't give quite enough coverage on a cool day. Or coat sleeves a wee bit short. Arm warmers fill the gap! Also very cute with the sweater vest look, as this crafty gal pointed out at Angry Chicken. And I wish I knew how to knit like Philigry!

If you're looking to buy, rather than make, check out the great ones here. I'm lusting over a couple of these!


  1. How fun! Love the stripes.

  2. Very cool! I'll be sharing this idea with my very crafty 14 year-old when she wakes up this morning.

    The stripes are fun!


  3. I remember those socks from the 70's! I like them better as arm warmers, too cute.

  4. I love your arm warmers! so cute. what a great idea.
    thanks for including me in this post!


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