Saturday, November 29, 2008

One Kind Word...

"One kind word can warm three winter months."
-- Chinese Proverb

I read this quote last night in a magazine. The thought really stuck with me. I can recall moments in my life when someone made one kind comment that changed my view of myself for the positive.

Now that we're officially in the "holiday season," I am striving to remember this quote each day. It seems this time of year is equally filled with heartbreak and joy, with coldness and warmth. What one kind word can I offer to make a difference?


  1. What a beautiful thought. Shouldn't we each strive to do this.

  2. So true! May we all be kind and generous with our words!

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Just catching up on your blog before bed. I really connect with the quote! I hope you are doing great...I'll try to call tomorrow. Oh yeah, Lola is now walking on her own for very short distances!! I'll try to get a video clip for you.
    love ya,

  4. I love your photo, Steph! Warming my hands on a cup of hot tea brings me right into the moment.
    I love this sentiment, too. If everyone thought carefully about the impact that our words have, what a different world it would be. Like you, I am going to keep this thought in my mind and my heart as I go forward through this holiday season. What better gift than a kind word?
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I know it is true, I been back reading comments on my blog and you had a special one for me and it makes me smile! Thank you and love the your cuppa tea your holding. I got the tea in the mail, thank you so much! I may share one with a friend and include a copy of the info. When I drink the tea, I will think of you and your kind words.


I value your comments, thank you!