Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Walking Dates

My Wednesday them is Living Simply, and I want to write today about walking dates. The DH (dear hubby) and I take walking dates often. We simply go out for a long walk around town. We might wander through campus, through some pretty neighborhoods, or past my favorite ice cream stand. We typically have no route in mind - we just walk. It's a chance for us to talk or to be quiet with each other. It's typically free (except for the occasional ice cream indulgences) and good for our health. It's romantic. It's fun. It's one of my favorite ways to spend time with my life partner.

Walking helps me find my center. In fact, when I'm feeling angry or sad, or recovering from illness or a fuzzy head, a walk restores me.

Walking dates can also be time for yourself, alone. Some of my favorite walks have been solo adventures.

When was the last time you took a walking date, with yourself or another? What other simple dates do you enjoy?


  1. Beautiful! I can almost hear the crunch of those leaves!

  2. Walking is great! My husband and I try to walk about 4 times a week. We look forward to the time to talk or just be together. Very much as you said. The other day we came by the postman and I asked him if he liked walking on the beautiful fall day. He agreed, but wasn't looking forward to the rain. Walking is indeed a good thing.

  3. What a beautiful post. Both in sentiment and picture. Thank you.

  4. Walks are fantastic. I figured out the new name of my business on a long walk last fall. :)

    Best way to unwind and clear the head and heart!

  5. My husband and I walk our two dogs every Sunday morning, as soon as it gets light. It is a very sweet time for us just to be, not to have anything in particular that needs.

  6. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I love your "simple living" topic and look forward to reading your weekly posts along those lines. Yes, walking is wonderful in so many ways. It is my favorite form of exercise.

  7. What a great habit to get into! I just took a walking date with my SO last weekend. The air was crisp and cool, and we walked around his neighborhood from dusk until complete dark, stopping off at an art fair along the way.

    Another of my favorite simple, cheap dates is renting movies from Netflix and making homemade popcorn with sea salt and spices, and a good tea for myself and a flavorful tisane for the boy (who doesn't drink caffeine).

  8. We enjoy doing this too! Going on a walk keeps the kids entertained -Jackson rides in his wagon and Logan is in a baby carrier strapped to one of us. When the kids are occupied, Steve and I actually get to talk to each other...a precious rarity in our current stage!

  9. My husband and I try to walk every day during our lunch hour. We work very close and have lunch together. It is a very important part of our day.


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