Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Cup of Christmas Tea

This is a repeat post from a few years ago, but I have new blog friends and wanted to share it again. Enjoy!

A Cup of Christmas Tea, by Tom Hegg

Listen to the touching poem, read by the author, here. My Mom gave me the book a few years ago. It's one of my absolute favorites. (The reading will start after a few seconds.) Tissues recommended.


  1. I love this book too. I cry every time I read it.

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What a beautiful story!

  3. Steph -

    You are sure welcome - and I'm glad you know other people who would enjoy it if you can't go!

    I am so jealous of you being in that area. My husband me about their 20 year anniversary concert, and I was absolutely drooling. I love their older stuff but didn't start seeing them in concert until Films for Radio.

    Merry Christmas!


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