Sunday, December 07, 2008

Christmas Twig

The Dear Hubby and I don't do much for Christmas decoration. We're non-traditionalists there, I suppose. Some fresh greenery is my favorite. We've had a Christmas tree - and I use that term loosely - twice in thirteen Christmases. One was a rubber tree, one was a cactus. This Christmas Twig is tree #3. It came from our lot (where we'll build a house) and is simply decorated with spiral ribbon. I love its barrenness. I don't plan to put presents under it. We've also named it the "Solstice Sprig" to celebrate the coming longer daylight hours!


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Love it! What a creative take on the Christmas tree.

  2. There is a quiet beauty in simplicity. You have captured it well.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Sometimes less is more. I love it.

  4. I love your festive twig! And, it is so special because it came from your own land!

  5. I think it's very cute! It reminds me of Charlie Brown's tree in the movie "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown", and how adorable is his tree? Too cute. :)

  6. I love the simple tree, it is bringing nature.

  7. What's that saying, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Yep, that's you all over the place.


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