Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lupicia Holiday Tea

My friend, CW, sent me this gorgeous holiday tin of Nilgiri tea, from Lupicia. The tin is so cheery and pretty, and I smiled brightly!

My smile broadened when I opened the tin and saw the packaging written in Japanese. There is an English instruction card, too. Lupicia is very clearly a Japanese-based company, with a US presence. It offers over 400 varieties of tea. CW has been to one of its retail store in CA and says it's amazing.

My senses continued to be pleased as I inhaled the aroma of the dry leaf. It's hard to describe - somewhat like a Darjeeling, but yet different. A sweet and very pleasant aroma. Also look at the lovely color variations in the leaf. From copper to deep brown.

My taste buds were rewarded for their wait - the tea brewed up nicely. The aroma stayed with it, tho more subtle in the brew. The taste was smooth - neither weak nor bitter. This is a very nice tea and a wonderful gift! I do recommend it. Based on this tea and one other from Lupicia, I give the company the thumbs-up.


  1. Lovely gift, lovely tea! :)

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Sounds great! Thanks for the review.

  3. I recognize this tin! My pen pal from Japan included a tin of Budou Oolong, grape scented in the holiday gift package she sent to me. The tin, in English and Japanese, says 'Highest quality teas - fresh, authentic, exquisite'. I'm brewing a cup right now - the grape fragrance is heavenly. Enjoy your tea!

  4. Welcome, Susan - and thank you!

  5. What a great gift! I enjoyed reading your multi-sensory reaction to it as well!

  6. Please stop by, I have a little something for you.


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