Thursday, December 04, 2008

Wow! and Skirt

Wow - I got more comments yesterday for the giveaway than I've ever had before! Thanks to Sew, Mama, Sew! for the grand idea and to all those who played! I am having such a ball reading all the one-word holiday wishes! I will announce the winner tomorrow.

In the mean time, here is the skirt I mentioned a few days ago. The fabric is corduroy. It's Butterick pattern 3134 and I'm LOVING this pattern! I made view B, the blue one on the left. The skirt went together easily for me. I think I'm getting a little better at understanding patterns. Still, it seems like they leave things out, like finishing the inside edges! Oh, well. Thank goodness I have good sewing coaches who teach me well! And I promise to blog about something tea-related soon.


  1. Skirt turned out great, but I love those boots!

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Great work! It came out very cute - the pattern and the fabric worked well together.

  3. That is a great skirt! It's just like what I've been looking for lately. Maybe I'll have to pull out my sewing machine and try making myself some clothes again.

  4. Steph I think you did a really good job! Nice even hem too. Butterick & Vouge patterns are a little more for the advanced sewer who knows generic "how to's" already, so they do skip some steps. After a while though, you'll automatically know what to do and then it will be a breeze. Until then, keep up the good work.

  5. oh, i love it! it came out great!

  6. The skirt looks great and hangs so nice.

  7. This is really cute. What a great fabric choice.

  8. Great give-away! Thanks!

  9. I love the skirt! Beautiful and great job!


  10. The skirt is great! And I adore the boots too :) Found you on Sew Mama Sew. Have a great day!

  11. love the skirt! I also am completely loving your boots, found you via sew mama sew too :)


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