Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Rainy Day in the Desert

I was delighted to spend a few days last week in the desert, with AZ Tea Lover. She and I have been tea friends for many years, and I feel so blessed when I get to see her in person!

I also had the pleasure of being in the desert when it rained, a rare occasion. I love the smell! Such dramatic skies, too.

To make use of our indoor time, we (of course!) had a tea party! AZ Tea Lover gave me the task of setting the table. Ooooohhhhh! One of my favorite jobs! We initiated this gorgeous cream and red china. It was fun to discover all the accessories (like the flower boxes) that coordinated! (Photos from the cell phone, so they're a bit dark.)

We made two types of cucumber sandwiches. My all-time fave is very simple. Simply blend butter and rosemary and top with cucumbers. We also had cucumber-dill with a blend of cream cheese and goat cheese. A new fave!

We enjoyed these wonderful yeast scones. I will not say much about them now because they are worthy of their own blog posting!


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    One of many great memories I have of your visit - thank you so much for coming! :D

  2. What a pretty table! I'm so glad that you snuck in another visit with Stephanie! You are very lucky to be able to see her as often as you do, given that you live so far away from each other.

    A tea party is the perfect way to spend a rainy day.

  3. Ah, what a sweet table. It's so fun catching up with old friends, isn't it. I'm so happy you got to take advantage of spare time from your conference to indulge in some girl time.
    See Ya,

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I hope you'll share that recipe! The scones look great!

  5. Oh you ARE BLESSED!
    Good to have a friend with a "Kindred Spirit" isn't it?
    So glad you had fun!

  6. Anonymous5:59 AM

    You did a beautiful job setting the table!!


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