Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ready to Serve

I'm still reflecting on the significance to our country for electing President Barack Obama. I am full of hope for the future. And, as I think about history, I realize there are people living who, in their life times, have not been able to vote because of their skin color. I am humbled by that thought. I look forward to the day when we elect a person based on her/his character and capabilities, and neither ethnicity nor gender has a bearing.

There is so much to respect about our President, but what I love most is his ability to reach out beyond party lines. I think he calls for people to be their best, regardless of ideology. We all want our nation to be stable and strong. I hope that we can learn to work together to get there.

I am also energized by President Obama's charge to us to be of service to our country. I am thinking of what I can do in my community to meet this challenge. I hope you will do the same.

Two of my friends (and their families) were in DC for the inauguration. I can't wait to hear their stories!

To a new way of being in this country....


  1. Wonderful words. Today I did think of the word "service" and was reminded of a decision I made to do some volunteer work when I retired. Well now that I am retired it reminded me I need to move forward. Thanks also for the reminder.

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    perhaps you should be a speech writer! Very nice thoughts.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hi Steph,

    I was fortunate and honored to be among those who could be in DC for the inaguration. There was a feeling of expectation and optimism in the air and it was exhilirating to "share" that with so many Americans.

    Carl and I will never forget the kind and friendly people that we met and talked to. It was truly an amazing experience.

    Your thoughts on public service remind me that even a smile and a warm hello to a fellow human can be a way of serving each and every day as it only takes a word or a smile to open up an opportunity for some real communication.

    Mary Jane

  4. Thanks for sharing your experience, Mary Jane!


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