Sunday, February 15, 2009

Menu for a Thank You Tea

I've already shared the recipe for Blood Orange Hearts, but I wanted to pass along the rest of the menu from my recent "Thank You" tea. I kept the menu simple because I needed to be able to pull this together quickly. It was an after-work tea. We also chose herbal "teas" since it was evening.

  • Squash soup (Soup made by the DH with squash and pumpkin, both from the local CSA)
  • Blood Orange Hearts
  • Sprouts with rosemary butter on honey-wheat bread. (The DH grew the sprouts, too. He's a one-man sprout industry in the winter.) Aren't those sprouts just the cutest?!!?
  • Pesto Puff Pinwheels (Pesto also made by the DH, from basil we grew. The pesto freezes soooo well!)
  • This course and the scones were served with Hurricane Herbal from Tea G. Unfortunately, this blend is discontinued.

  • Treacle scones with butter, the real deal
  • Dates stuffed with pecans (and toasted - so simple and YUMMY!)

  • Blood orange sections
  • Brie and strawberry jam in puff pastry cups
  • Chocolate-covered almonds rolled in matcha. These were tasty, but next time I will use dark chocolate. I used semi-sweet. I think dark chocolate will pair even better with the matcha.
  • Served with honeybush tisane


  1. I love that your husband grew the sprouts and pesto supplies. I think the more we can grow, can, freeze, and use the better.

  2. The matcha almonds look so interesting. I would love to try them.

  3. Oh, I do love reading (and learning from) teatime menu suggestions! Maybe let your DH guest blog one day and give the rest of us a few gardening tips?

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    My step grandmother always sent us dates stuffed with peanut butter and rolled in confectioners sugar -I was most impressed as a child! Thanks for all the fun ideas!

  5. I will have to get my DH trained to do some gardening for us! I plant a lot of flowers but as yet have had little luck with veggies other than herbs in pots on the porch. Unfortunately the dogs thought they were good too. I look forward to trying the blood orange hearts. Thanks Steph.

  6. It all sounds delicious and healthy. I have always wanted to grow sprouts for salads, stir fry, etc. (my one attempt was not successful). Homemade pesto is so good, maybe I'll try growing it in pots this season. It's great that you share the cooking with your DH.

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos and your menu! What a nice DH to help with the food preparation!

  8. Hey...I want that Squash Soup Recipe! And yes...Pesto, freezes so well!!!! DH is pretty darn handy! :)


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